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As you know, last school year our grade 6 students made pen friends from Germany. Given the success of this experience, they all decided to continue nurturing this beautiful friendship. They made Christmas cards for them and they also received a card from their peers. 


Como xa sabedes, o pasado curso escolar o alumnado de sexto fixo algúns amigos de Alemaña. Dado o éxito deste experiencia, decidiron continuar nutrindo esta amizade. Fixeron postais de Nadal para eles e recibiron unha postal dos seus colegas. 



And I would like to give a big thank you to my colleague Cris for her cooperation in this project. You all did a great job! Here you have the cards by the 6 graders:

E gustaríame darlle as grazas á miña compañeira Cris pola súa colaboración neste proxecto. Fixestes un estupendo traballo! Aquí tedes as postais realizadas polo alumnado de sexto: 


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by Dr. Radut