



Galicia is one of the 17 autonomous regions of Spain, located in the northwest of the country. Galicia is divided into 4 provinces: Ourense (O Barco de Valdeorras is here), Pontevedra, Lugo and A Coruña (Santiago is in A Coruña).

About Santiago

Santiago is the capital city of Galicia and a fantastic place to visit. The Galician government (Xunta de Galicia) and our Parliament are located here.

Catedral de Santiago

The most important monument in the city is the cathedral (Catedral de Santiago). It is the most beautiful landmark in the world. The cathedral is the end of Saint James' Way, a route that brings about 34,700 pilgrims to the city every year because the tomb of Apostle James is under the cathedral. Approximately 2 million tourists visit the cathedral each year to admire its beauty. It was built during 1300 and it is a mixture of Gothic, Baroque and Romanesque styles. The architecs were Bernard the young, Maestro Esteban and Roberto Galperinus.

Obradoiro Square and Quintana Square

Obradoiro Square and Quintana Square are located around the cathedral. They are spectacular places to take a coffee and enjoy the views of our impressive cathedral.

Old Town

Explore the narrow streets around the cathedral and you will find lovely squares like Praza de Cervantes with wonderful statues and magnificent fountains. There are lots of friendly cafés and amazing restaurants where you can relax and enjoy some Galician “tapas” (delicious small dishes).

University of Santiago de Compostela (USC)

The University of Santiago (USC) has got 45,000 students including both campus (Santiago and Lugo) and its architectural style is Gothic and Romanesque. There are fantastic facilities to study (modern libraries, exhibition centres...) and to practise sports. The level of both teachers and students is high because the USC ranks 4th in the table of Spanish universities. In this university students can choose among 23 degrees.

This marvellous university was founded in the year 1495 so it has an old history and it has always played an essential role in the life of the city, its inhabitants and in the life of many people from Galicia and other parts of Spain who have studied here.

The Big Challenge

Neste curso 2018-19, o departamento de inglés do IES Martaguisela tomou a decisión de participar no concurso a nivel europeo “The Big Challenge” para incentivar o uso do idioma e a posibilidade de aprender xogando. Con este propósito, comunicouse ao alumnado de ESO  do noso centro o funcionamento do concurso e animouse a que participaran no mesmo un mínimo de 35 estudantes que cursan os seus estudos en 1º, 3º e 4º de ESO.

Todo o alumnado participante está xa a practicar cos exercicios e xogos dos que dispoñen na páxina web do concurso, , e serán inscritos no seu momento para poder participar nel no mes de abril. Máis de 640.000 estudantes participan no concurso cada ano en Europa!

Desexámoslles moita sorte e agardamos que poidan obter algúns dos moitos premios que se ofrecen, ademais de aprender novos conceptos  e reforzar os aprendidos.

Ánimo, Chic@s!

The Big Challenge

Inmersión lingüística en Lekároz (Navarra)

Parte do noso alumnado de 2º ESO estivo en Lekároz (Navarra) na semana do 5 ao 11 de outubro. Neste enlace tedes a páxina de Play&Say na que podedes ver imaxes desta semana

alumnado de 2º de ESO en Lekároz (Navarra) de inmersión lingüística

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