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Correo electrónico

Rúa do Cristo s/n

  15620 Mugardos (A Coruña)






SARAH KIEWLICZ (Curso 2012-2013)



My Experience at IES Mugardos

  When I first received my placement at IES Mugardos I was surprised, excited, and nervous.Galicia was not a region I had requested, but I was excited to be moving to Spain and for the opportunity to experience a new part of the country. It was scary thinking about leaving all of my family and friends behind, and moving to a place where I didn't know anybody. Before I had the chance to worry I received an email from Pilar. She gave me advice on where to live and told me all about the school, professors, and students at IES Mugardos. I felt much more at ease and was ready to start my journey.

            I arrived in Galicia just in time to enjoy the last part of “summer” weather. Little did I know at the time that I had 6 months of constant rain ahead of me. Despite the weather Galicia has become a second home. I was welcomed to IES Mugardos with open arms and have enjoyed working so closely with the other professors and the students. It was definitely a culture shock for me when I arrived at the school. The Spanish school system is very different from the U.S. school system and it took a while to learn the ropes. I am so thankful for all the support I received from my fellow professors as I adjusted to a new culture and a new way of educating students. The biggest challenge I faced this year was trying to find new and exciting ways to teach the students. The level of English is lower than I had expected, which made it difficult to try to inspire my students to learn. IES Mugardos has great students, and it has been a pleasure getting to know many of them over the course of the school year. We have shared laughs, disappointments, and I have worked to debunk typical stereotypes about Americans and the United States. I loved being able to answer questions and talk about my country, while also learning so much about Galicia.

            I have made incredible memories here at IES Mugardos with the students and the staff. I will fondly remember all the conversations I had with my coworkers in the canteen over coffee and in the staff room. It amazed me how willing everyone was to talk with me about Galicia and all of the things I needed to do and see before my departure. I have also loved spending time with the students both inside and outside of the classroom. I was lucky to be able to walk a portion of the Camino de Santiago with the students of Bachillerato and to explore Santiago de Compostela on the Art History field trip. My time spent at IES Mugardos has been amazing and I am sad to have to say goodbye. I have learned so much through this experience and my only regret is that I do not have more time. I will miss walking through the halls and being greeted by smiling faces and “hellos” from the students and teachers. I will never forget my time spent at IES Mugardos and, although I will not be teaching next year, I can say with absolute certainty that I will be back to visit as soon as possible.