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O pasado mércores, día 8 de febreiro o alumnado de 5º e 6º de E. Primaria, acompañados polas titoras, especialista de L. Inglesa e a nosa auxiliar de conversa Vee Escobar, acudiron a pé dende o centro ata o Auditorio para ver a obra de teatro en inglés "What Monster" ofertada por Afundación Obra Social, dentro da súa programación de Artes Escénicas para escolares.

A nosa auxiliar Vee Escobar realizou este resumo da obra e unha montaxe en vídeo:

What Monster Summary

"What Monster" is an interactive theater play about the "You Can Do It" Summer Camp - a camp that encourages kids in believing in one's abilities, and finding a better version of themselves. The play focuses on the camp instructors, Roy and Ace, and the campers named Charly, Bruce, and the 3rd kid.

In the beginning, the campers faced a dilemma of their own from Charly's inability to speak, Bruce's physical strength yet cowardice, and 3rd kid's desire for people's attention and approval. The characters also faced

different kinds of obstacles in the summer camp including the presence of the Cherokee-cursed monster, the arrival of the merciless camp mascot Marshmallow, and even Ace's ambitious evil plans of dominating the camp.

As the story unfolds, everyone learned more about themselves as the campers overcame their individual difficulties while the two camp instructors learned about true leadership. Thus, achieveing the  "You Can Do It" Summer Camp's goals.

I can do it!

You can do it!


We can do it!

What Monster? de Vee Escobar

page | by Dr. Radut