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As nenas e nenos de sexto fixeron unha receita en inglés como actividade de Speaking. Fixeron receitas doces e salgadas valorando a importancia de comer comida caseira frente a comida procesada.


Colouring page

Canada Worksheet

Canadian song for kids

Spain and Canada Weekly Questions

Questions from Canada:

- How much time do you have to eat your lunch?

- We noticed some people have less food (1-2 foods). Do you have two lunch breaks?

- We noticed  salami and biscuits are a popular lunch. Is this a common food in Spain?

- Everyone has chocolate - you are lucky! What is a chocolate drinkable? Is it chocolate milk?

- What is a popular chocolate bar to eat in Spain?

- Who makes your lunch?

- Are any of your sandwiches halal meat? Some students in our shool are Muslim and don´t eat pork (we are just curious) :)

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by Dr. Radut