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Expert for agriculture production

Expert for agriculture production

Previous training:
Farmer in Agricultural Production
Technician in Agricultural Production
Engineer in Agricultural Production
Funding: Public and private
Training country: Slovenia
Training duration: 1 year

Related technologies

Oz Weeding Robot

The Oz weeding robot helps during weeding and hoeing chores in order to increase profitability while respecting the environment. It is designed to improve working conditions and reduce daily workload. Oz is entirely autonomous but it is possible to guide it.

EFOS Trapview

Trapview allows to monitor the pest population in real time.

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Decision support system that combines data on soil moisture and air temperature, plant type and weather conditions, to schedule irrigation times and determine irrigation dosing.

Robot for wineyard monitoring

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Animal Protection

Tens of thousands of fawns die every year because they hide in the meadows. With drones, farmers try to track them down and scare them away.

by Dr. Radut