Blog 4º B
english food
Enviado por silvia o Ven, 05/08/2020 - 09:05Games( Xogos)
2-Play a word game to learn and practise food vocabulary.(Aprende e practica o vocabulario de alimentos, cun xogo)
3-Play a word game to learn and practise more food vocabulary.(Aprende e practica máis vocabulario de comida)
4-Play a word game to learn and practise drinks vocabulary.(Aprende e practica máis vocabulario de bebidas)
5-Good Morning Story: "Yummy Breakfast" by Alyssa Liang( Conto : Bos días)
6- Listen to the tongue twister and practise saying it. ( Escoita un trabalingüas e practícao)
7-Breakfast is one of the most important meals of the day( O almorzo é unha das comidas máis importantes do día)
8-Listen to a song called Snack time and sing ( Escoita e canta a canción, Snack Time).
9-Learn About Farm Foods ,Where do food comes from?( Aprende sobre a comida e de onde procede)
10-What food does this boy like? Listen to the chant .( Qué comida lle gusta a este rapaz? Escoita a canción)
11-Watch (mira)
12-Watch (Mira)
13-Listen and sing a song about yummy food.(Escoita e canta unha canción sobre comida rica)
14-Practise days of the week with this song about a monster.
15-This is Britain food
16-Listen to the grammar chant.Can you hear the countable and uncountable nouns in the chant?
17-Watch Sam and Pam on a picnic with Ben, Tess, Mum and Dad. Can you hear the sounds 'h', 'b', 'f', 'l', 'j' and 'v'?
18-What can Kitty and Gran have for lunch? Do you know how to use countable and uncountable nouns? Watch the video and find out!
19-The greedy hippo eats everything and the other animals are angry. Can they stop him eating all their food? Watch and find out!
20-Print the fruit and vegetables picture, read the sentences and colour it in!
tareas del 4
Enviado por silvia o Dom, 05/03/2020 - 17:49Hola.
Os mando las tareas de esta semana para realizar como de costumbre, con mucha tranquilidad.
Matemáticas: Pág. 48-49 1,2,3 y 4
Lengua: Pág. 28 1,2,3,4,5,6 y 7
Lingua:Páx.40-41 1,2,3,4 e 5
Sociais:Páx.18-19 hacer mapa del relieve de España en la libreta.
Naturais:Páx.14-15 Resumo.
Enviado por silvia o Sáb, 05/02/2020 - 09:13Ready, steady, go!( Preparados, listos,xa...)
1-Listen and watch
How old are you song
2-Months dates Ordinal Numbers words sentences
3-Here is our "Months of the Year Song"
4-Play a word game to learn and practise birthdays vocabulary.
5-Watch Sam and Pam as they have a real birthday party adventure.
6-Practise the seasons and months of the year with this song.
7-Let's have a dance party!
8-Watch and listen to the video, which shows how children often celebrate their birthdays in the UK
9-A Birthday Party story
10-Are you hungry? Listen to a song called Snack time and sing along.
11-Watch this video to learn how to brush your teeth!
12-Siriwat isn't feeling very well. Can his dad and the doctor help him? Watch and find out!
13-Play a word game to learn and practise health and illness vocabulary.
14-Quinine is a medicine that helps to fight malaria. How was quinine discovered? Watch and find out!
15-Listen to this song and learn how to look after your teeth.
corrección das tarefas do 27
Enviado por silvia o Ven, 05/01/2020 - 14:25Espero que os saliera todo bien!
english routines
Enviado por silvia o Lun, 04/27/2020 - 09:23My Day
Hello, everybody! Are you ready? (Hola a todos! Estades preparados?)
1-Vocabulary: Daily routines( Rutinas diarias)
Watch and repeat ( Mira e repite)
2-Learn about the clock and telling time .(Iamos aprender a dicir a hora)
3-What time is it for you right now? Watch this video to learn how to tell the time!
(Qué hora é agora? Mira este video e aprende a dicir a hora)
4-Play a word game to learn and practise daily routines vocabulary.
(Practica o vocabulario das rutinas diarias con un xogo)
5-Listen to a traditional song about the things that we do in the morning.
(Escoita unha canción tradicional sobre as cousas que facemos pola mañá)
6-What are Patrizia and Tom doing today?(Qué están Patricia e Tom facendo hoxe?)
Listen to the grammar chant and find out! (Escoita unha canción de gramática e averigua)
7-Practice vocabulary and grammar with this interactive crocodile board game.
(Practica vocabulario y gramática con este xogo interactivo do cocodrilo)
tarefas por materia
Enviado por silvia o Lun, 04/27/2020 - 09:17Hola a todos e a todas.
Aquí vos deixo as tarefas de toda a semana.
Hai que facer cada día unha pouca,despacio e ben.
O venres poñerei as solucións para que cada un comprobe os erros .
Esta información tamén a tedes no abalar.
MATEMÁTICAS:Páx.47exercicios 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11 e 12.
LENGUA:Páx.26 ,le con atención e fai os exercicios 1,2 e 3.
Páx.27 exerc.4,5 e 6.
LINGUA: Le a páx.38 ex,logo fai os exerc.1 e 2.
Páx 39 exerc.3,4,5e 6.
NATURAIS : Páx 13,debuxa o sistema esquelético e o muscular.
SOCIAIS:Le as páx.16 e 17.Fai un esquema das rochas(páx 16) . E da páx.17 actividades 1,2 e 3.
plástica: Arts
Enviado por silvia o Xov, 04/23/2020 - 11:26Hi! As you know, in spring flowers grow up. It’s time to create your own flower.