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Inglés I Bach *

Inglés I
Tipo de materia: Curso: Horas semanais:
Troncal Xeral
Descrición da materia:

A materia está organizada en cinco bloques: expresión e interacción oral, expresión e interacción de textos escritos e un quinto bloque na que se recollen elementos lingüísticos, sociolingüísticos e pragmáticos que conforman a competencia lingüística. Noutras palabras, este bloque abrangue a corrección gramatical, fonética, semántica e pragmática (como se usa a lingua inglesa) que permitirá ao alumno expresarse e entender o inglés nas diferentes situacións comunicativas tanto a nivel escrito como oral. Imagen


- Expresión de: conxunción (as well as); disxunción (either…or); oposición/concesión (although; however); causa (because (of); due to; as); finalidade (so that; in order to); comparación (as/not so Adj. as; less/more + Adj./Adv. (than); the better of the two; the best ever); resultado/correlación (so; so that; the more…the better); condición (if; unless; in case ); estilo indirecto (reported information, offers, suggestions, promises, commands, wishes).

- Relacións temporais (while; once (we have finished)).

- Afirmación (affirmative sentences; tags; So it seems).

- Exclamación (exclamatory sentences and phrases, e. g. it was awesome!, that can't be true!).

- Negación (e. g. Not bad; Not at all; No way).

- Interrogación (Wh- questions; Aux. Questions; How come?; So?; tags). Expresión do tempo: pasado (Past Simple and Continuous; Present Perfect Simple and Continuous; Past Perfect Simple and Continuous); presente (Present Simple and Continuous); futuro (Present Simple and Continuous+ Adv.; will be –ing).

- Expresión do aspecto: puntual (simple tenses); durativo (Present and Past Simple/Perfect; and Future Continuous); habitual (simple tenses (+ Adv., e. g. as a rule); used to); incoativo ((be) set to); terminativo (stop –ing).

- Expresión da modalidade: factualidade (declarative sentences); capacidade (manage); posibilidade/probabilidade (possibly; probably); necesidade (want; take); obrigación (need/needn’t); permiso (may; could; allow); intención (be thinking of –ing).

- Expresión da existencia (e. g. there is / were, etc.); a entidade (count/uncount/collective/compound nouns; pronouns(relative, reflexive/emphatic, one(s); determiners); a calidade (e. g. fairly well; easy to convince).

- Expresión da cantidade: Number (e. g. fractions; decimals). Quantity: e. g. several. Degree: e. g. absolutely (thrilling); quite skinny). Expresión do espazo (prepositions and adverbs of location, position, distance, motion, direction, origin and arrangement).

- Expresión do tempo (points (e. g. this time tomorrow; in ten days), divisions (e. g. semester), and indications (e. g. earlier; later) of time; duration (e. g. all day long; the whole summer); anteriority (already; (not) yet); posteriority (e. g. afterwards; later (on); sequence (in the beginning, (at) first, before (that), after (that), next, then, later, eventually, finally, in the end); simultaneousness (just then / as / while); frequency (e. g. quite often; frequently; day in day out).

- Expresión do modo (Adv. and phrases of manner, e. g. beautifully; wrong).

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