Idioma extranxeiro

In English class...







   Halloween is a holiday celebrated on the night of October 31.



Halloween activities include trick-or-treating, bonfires, costume parties, carving Jack-o-lanterns, reading scary stories and watching horror movies. British people celebrate Bonfire Night every year on 5 November. Some children make a guy to represent Guy Fawkes. The guy is burned on top or a bonfire on Bonfire Night. This is our Halloween poster and Bonfire Night projects. Do you like them? Happy Halloween everyone!   

Here they are pupil´s works.

English projects

Our Projects. Classes 6A and 6B.
This is our last project. It´s about our favourite animals: wild animals from all over the world and popular pets,too.
We enjoyed animals and we enjoyed making these projects ,too.
Do you like them?



My Bedroom

Several Year 3 children have made a nice work for us elaborating a scale model of their bedrooms along with texts describing the location of different items they’ve got.

There’s a small exhibition in the school atrium. Come and see it!


My bedroom_2012-2013

Day of Peace 2013

Students from CEIP A Solaina, in her English class, and perceived this day.

The mural reflects their particular vision.


Learning a language on a comunicative basis involves both listening and speaking the language for a real purpose. When talking about themselves, students participate more actively in the learning porcess and therefore speak the language in a more communicatve way.

With such an aim, kids from the 3rd cycle of Primary Eduation were involved in the task of creating projects about their own world of interests. 5th grade students carried out projects pointing out the important things for them in life such us: family, food,hobbies, sports...their likes and dislikes. Throughout the elaboration process imagination and creative attitudes were heavily emphasized, pupils showed very talented skills for crafts and languages, but more important, they  were forced to speak the language with a real purpose while presenting their works to their classmates.

Here you have some samples of their jobs:



As far as the 6th grade students are concerned, the same pedagogical background applies, if we take into consideration their age and psycholinguistic development, we must let them room to express themselves, no doubt, the foreing language class constitutes an accurate environment for that.

As to their projects, the purpouse here was for the students to elaborate a personal calendar portraying a year in their lives, concerning special dates and moments for them. Again, creativity and artistic skills were present in the whole procces, notwithstanding that the oral presentation in class was a great opportunity for them to practice their speaking skills in English.

To illustrate that, samples of their calendars are here portrayed:

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