
Volcano Project – 5º

This trimester the 5th grade students have been working diligently on their Sciences project and have learned a lot about how volcanoes explode. Divided up into half a dozen groups, the students created miniature volcanoes using water bottles, modeling clay, paper, and paint. On Wednesday, we watched the volcano models explode when the teams mixed dish soap, food coloring, vinegar, and baking soda together. 1st, 3rd, and 6th graders also came outside to watch the oral presentations.

American Breakfast – 5º

This past Wednesday, 18th March, students in 5th grade got to try American cuisine. Students and teachers worked together to prepare a typical American breakfast during first and second hours. Some people brought fresh eggs from home, while others brought milk, oranges, and sliced bread. We divided the cooking into four teams: 1) making scrambled eggs with Teacher Fran 2) frying the bacon with Teacher Olga 3) toasting the bread with Teacher Trevor and 4) setting the table with Teacher María José.


"Run, Run Rudolph", performed by 5th graders.

Excellent performance kids!

Abanqueiro's American Day 2014

Dancing "What Does the Fox Say?" - Carnaval 2014

For Carnaval at school we learned a song in English class during the month of February: "What Does the Fox say?" by the Swedish band Ylvis. We practiced the names and sounds of varius animals like dogs, cats, ducks, and seals, and had a lot of fun dancing and singing about foxes. On Friday of Carnaval the whole school danced along to the What Does the Fox Say music video.

American Breakfast 2014 (5º de Primaria)

On Friday, February 21th, students in 5th grade enjoyed a typical American breakfast.

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American Breakfast 2014 (3º de Primaria)

On Thursday, February 13th, students in 3th grade enjoyed a typical American breakfast.

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American Breakfast 2014 (4º de Primaria)

On Tuesday, January 28th, students in 4th grade enjoyed a typical American breakfast for the first and second hours of the day. Everyone was able to help out for this celebration in English class: some students brought paper plates, others brought freshly-laid eggs, and others brought butter and sliced bread. We divided into four groups: one group helped Teacher Fran fry bacon and cook scrambled eggs, another group helped Teacher Teresa make toast, the third group helped Teacher Trevor make freshly-squeezed orange juice, and the final group set the tables with the plates, silverware, cups, and napkins. We also had a variety of milk and cereal to eat. At the table, everybody really enjoyed the delicious food and practiced speaking English with their good table manners. The 3rd, 5th, and 6th graders are excited to have their own American breakfasts soon!

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Dispoñibles as imaxes de Inmersión Lingüística en Cuenca 2013

Xa podes ver as imaxes do viaxe que fixo o alumnado de Inmersión Lingüística ao campamento de Cuenta.

Imaxes na Galería

Inmersión Lingüística 2013: Abanqueiro students rapping.

Abanqueiro students rapping "The Earth Song" at YMCA Priego Camp.

Segue as actividades de Inmersión Lingüística en Cuenca

Se queres seguir as actividades que está realizando estes días o alumnado de Inmersión Lingüística, podes facelo mediante estas instruccións:

1.- Accede a

2.- Introduce o "usuario" e "contrasinal" que che enviamos ao móbil.

3.- Cando se inicie a sesión pulsa en "Resúmenes diarios"

4.- Pulsa sobre o calendario que indica a data.

Proxecto de Inmersión Lingüística do alumnado de Abanqueiro.

O alumnado de Primaria foi premiado, un ano máis, polo Ministerio de Educación para participar no proxecto de Inmersión Lingüística. O terceiro ciclo de Primaria irá a un campamento onde compartiran actividades e experiencias con outro alumnado dun colexio de Cádiz, todo isto co inglés como lingua vehicular.

Na prensa:

American Day

American Day was a day filled with food, fun and learning. The entire school came together to celebrate the culture of the United States. The children rotated between 5 different games; Relay Races, Sharks and Minows, Tug of War/ Sack Race, Musical Chairs and Baseball. At each game there were 5th and 6th grade students who acted as monitors. These students explained the rules in English and helped the other kids enjoy the activity. At the break the 6th grade students performed a dance to the English song “Celebrate” by Mikka. After this, hotdogs were served for everyone. We were lucky enough to have 3 Americans who were able to come help and celebrate with our school. Everyone had a wonferful time from the smallest students all the way to the teachers.

American Day

19/04/2013 10:00
19/04/2013 12:40

On Friday April 19th we will be celebrating American Day. The entire school will come together for a morning of fun and games. The children will play 5 different games representing America. At break time the 6th graders will perform a dance to an English song and everyone will eat delicous hot dogs. Pictured here is an image of the days schedule including the names of all the games, what time each class will play and where. The names of the games are; baseball, relay races, sack race, tug of war, musical chairs and sharks and minows. Each group will rotate around the grounds of the school and try each game. Stay tuned for videos and more pictures of American Day! 

Abanqueiro's Pen Pals

This year our 5th and 6th grade classes have been corresponding with students from a middle school in the United States. The students write letters to their pen pals in English while the US students respond in Spanish. This activity allows the kids to practice their written skills in English while making new friends from a different country. Above is a picture of Stony Brook School in Massachusetts where the American children attend. Featured below are some examples of letters written by our students.


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