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Activities for 2nd grade(30th March-3rd April)

Hello again!

How is it going? 

Here you are some activities for this week.

Have a nice week and stay at home

Teachers Bea and Luisa

Activities for 1st grade(30th March-3rd April)

Hello again,

How is it going?

Here you are more activities for this week.

They are easy!

Good luck and Stay At Home!

Teacher Luisa  and Bea

Activities for the 1st grade ( 23rd March-27th March)PDF


Hello kids,

Here you are some activities for this week

See you!

Teacher Luisa




Suxerencia de actividades para Lingua inglesa de 1º a 6º

Adxuntamos enlaces de interese  para traballar dende a casa para TODOS OS CURSOS


Para 5º e 6º ademais podedes facer actividades da páxina seguinte:


Tamén podedes ir a Repositorio de contidos abalar no seguinte enlace:Este para 6º

Be brave, stay at home!

Teachers Bea and Luisa

Distribuir contido

by Dr. Radut