Our 6th graders, have been working on how to write letters. They've sent very nice letters to their english teacehr. Here you have some examples:


Dear teacher Belén,

In my free time, I like playing videogames in a Play-Station 1 and I like watching serires. I sometimes go fishing but I really never paint models or paint pictures because I'm not a good artist. I like playing the drums and the guitar, and I like doing magic tricks with a box. I often play table tannis with my brother but I never win Chora. I sometimes go to the park with my friends. I don´t like going to the cinema because I don`t like movies.


Dear teacher Belen,

In my free time I like playing table tennis with my dad. My favourite sport is football. Everyday I do exercise. I don´t like collecting stamps or painting models. I love playing the drums. Do you like doing exercise or painting models?. Do yo like going to the cinema?.. I love it.

I love going fishing

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