Ola! Hoxe imos facer a lesson 5 do classbook p.46 e do activity book p.55.

Amáis mándovos a tradución das frases do outro día. Tiven un problema co arquivo, polo que vos mando a tradución por aquí. 

1. Does Ann have to peel the lemons? Yes, she does

2. Does Peter want to bake the pizza? No, he doesn´t

3. You have to mix the sugar with the flour

4. Do I have to fry the onions? Yes, you do

5. I want to make a cake. I have got flour and sugar. I need eggs, butter and chocolate

6. Do I have to add ice-cream? No, you don´t 

7. After cooking you have to wash up and clean the kitchen

8. Do they want to chop the ingredients? Yes, they do


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