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« Martes Decembro 12, 2017 »
Start: 12/12/2017 16:07

Today we had our first video call with our partners from Madrid, Estonia, Poland and Ukraine in "Christmas Connections through Art 2017" Project .Our language assistant , Megan , helped us with the computer and translating whenever it was needed through chat.

5th B graders showed our Logo´s work explaining the way we made it using Pointillism.

6th B graders explained how Frida Khalo inspired their works for the Project.

and 5th graders performed Radetzhy March , using their body as instruments.

5h A graders, explained how we work on our big postcards inspired in Xmas lights around Art in our town.

And 6th A graders performed a carol in Galician language.

THank you very much to all of you for sharing your works and songs.

We loved all of them!

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