Surfing through English

Learning with the Easter Bunny

Hoxe a alumnado de 3º estivo a recoñecer adxectivos, nomes e verbos en inglés.

Challenges for fast finishers

The best way to learn or review past form of irregular verbs, uncoding Wednesday  Addams message


Situación Aprendizaxe 6th

Students from 6th are keeping on the Sa Travelling to the USA. It´s turn to search flights hotels activities and budget

1st of Primary

They were describing the Easter Bunny. Click on the image to watch the photos

Easter is coming!!!


Animal Farm Wheel

2nd is learning farm animals. They made a "craftivity" =a craft as a way of learning vocabulary.


Diseño de Inglés Picacho

My favourite word

2nd chose their favourite word in English. Here you have

Whats the weather like in Vigo?

Now you can look at the weather forecast for VIGO.


Click on the picture

Here you have a song we sing

Esta es la canción que cantamos para saludarnos y preguntar como nos encontramos en clase de inglés de 1º y 2º.


Retos para o alumnado que vai rematando as tarefas na aula de inglés

O alumnado de 3º está a descifrar a mensaxe secreta en inglés. Serán capaces????


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