The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, is located opposite the Atlantic coast of France.  So first, we take a train from Barcelona to Calais in France, and then a ferry across the English Channel to Dover. Then, we take another train to London and visit the UK capital.
In France, we can use Euros, but in the UK the currency is the sterling pound.

There are some British routines we must get adapted to. They wake up quite early, about 6 in the morning because they have a big breakfast. Then they have a small lunch, at about noon, and around 7 in the evening, a big dinner. Shops close earlier than in Spain, too, at 5 pm.

In London, my friend Julia wants to visit the Tate Gallery (a modern art museum), Marcos says we must see the Big Ben (a tower clock), and I want to go to the Dungeons (a theme park about bloody points in the history of London). The city is divided by the river Thames, and has famous bridges. In its end, the river forms an estuary and there are many little islands there to visit, but we haven't got the time.

Julia wants to rent a bicycle to move around the city because it's cheap, but I hate to cycle when it rains. And it sometimes rains in summer there... So I suggest we use the underground or double-decker buses. It all depends on the weather.

Then, we go North-East by train to Wales and visit its capital Cardiff in South Wales. After that, we go to the Black Mountains in the North by car and then we leave Wales. Back in England we find the Pennine Mountain Range. If you are on the top of these mountains, you can see the Isle of Man in front of you! Julia says we have to visit the Lake District National Park in the Cumbrian Mountains, near the Pennines.

In Scotland, we visit Glasgow, Loch Ness, the Highland Mountains with the Ben Nevis Massif (the highest point in the UK) and, finally Edinburgh, with its famous castle. In Scotland they have their own pounds, but we can also use the UK ones. We hope to understand the Scottish accent and to listen to some Gaelic, too. In Edinburgh we want to enjoy the street performances during the Fringe Festival. There, our holidays come to an end and we take a plane back to Barcelona.
Última modificación: luns, 21 de decembro de 2015, 8:57 PM