Hi, today I’ll show you how to create a graphic using a spreadsheet. First, go to the Start menu on your computer and open the program LIbreOffice.Calc

So imagine I’ve got the question How many brothers and sisters have you got? You DON’T write the question now. Just keep it in mind. We’ll do that later.

Now in ROW 1 you write the possible answers 1, 2, 3, 4. OTHER, for people who have ZERO or  5 or more brothers and sisters, and the TOTAL.

And in ROW 2 you write the real answers. So, imagine, in my class 7 people have got one brother, 6 people have got 2, 2 have got 2, one has got 4 and 4 have got zero or five or more.

To add the totals, you go to the square and write the equal symbol. Then you click on the numbers you want to add typing the plus symbol in between. If the number equals the people in your class, everything is correct.

Then, select both rows and columns A to E. Go to the top menu, select TOOLS and INSERT OBJECT. A new window will appear.

On the left menu, click on DATA RANGE and select FIRST ROW AS A LABEL. Then go to CHART ELEMENTS and write your questions in the TITLE space.

And… that’s it! Save your work and upload it on the MOODLE course, on the task: UPLOAD HERE YOUR GRAPHS.

Última modificación: Luns, 21 de Decembro de 2015, 20:57