Unit one is considered as diagnostic and, thus, there is only one level test.  The whole unit will help us establish three levels from there on. These levels are not permanent and a criterion should be establishes as to how to move across them.

For example, if a student gets more than a 6.5 (C+) in the STRENGTHEN test, they should be taking the follow-up one in the next unit. Similarly, if they get less than a 3.5 (D) in THE FOLLOW UP, they should take the strengthen next. To take the GO-ON one, they should get more than 8.5 (B+) in the follow-up test; and to move the other way round, they should get less than 8 (B) in the go-on test.

This flexible assessment will help students evaluate their own progress, see the level they are at, and provide a challenge, preventing their marks to move drastically up and down, and helping everybody to get a 5 (C) when the exam mark is put together with the rest of the tasks—if the student made the effort to work regularly, handed in compositions and partook in group projects.
Última modificación: Luns, 21 de Decembro de 2015, 20:57