
The sun is the center of our Solar system,
Solar system, Solar system.
The sun is the center of our Solar system,
The Planets orbit round it.

Mercurys a planet in the Solar system,
Solar system, Solar system.
Its closest to the sun and has no air,
and orbits round the Sun.

Venus is a planet in the Solar system,
Solar system, Solar system.
Venus is hot with poison clouds,
and orbits round the Sun.

Earth is a planet in the Solar system,
Solar system, Solar system.
Earth is our home. Its a comfy planet.
and orbits round the Sun.

Mars is a planet in the Solar system,
Solar system, Solar system.
Mars is red with a big volcano,
and orbits round the sun.

Jupiters a planet the Solar system,
Solar system, Solar system.
It has a red spot and lots of moons,
and orbits round the Sun.

Saturn is a planet in the Solar system,
Solar system, Solar system.
Ice and dust form rings around it,
and orbits round the Sun.

Uranus is a planet in the Solar System,
Solar system, Solar system.
Uranus is green and tipped on its side,
and orbits round the Sun.

Neptune is a planet in the Solar system,
Solar system, Solar system.
It has the fastest winds in the Solar system,
and orbits round the Sun.

Pluto is a planet in the Solar system,
Solar system, Solar system.
Pluto is the tiniest planet of them all,
and orbits round the Sun.


Última modificación: Monday, 21 de December de 2015, 13:12