CEIP San Vicenzo

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Últimos comentarios
A LARDEIRA139 vistas02/03/10 at 07:11ksdfjk: Obama faces his defining moment right now. It'...
A LARDEIRA154 vistasQue cazadora! que mandilón!02/03/10 at 07:11ksdfjk: A strong online holiday shopping season, improving...
A LARDEIRA146 vistasSaudando dende o balcón.02/03/10 at 07:11ksdfjk: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all ...
O Burro170 vistasOs de infantil colléronlle cariño. Non o querían levar!02/03/10 at 07:11ksdfjk: The falloff has been highest among African America...
O Burro147 vistasFoi ata o ximnasio, como alí non estaba ninguén, foi ata o polideportivo.02/03/10 at 07:11ksdfjk: as Margaret Thatcher did to make Britain the premi...
O Burro144 vistasMomentos de máxima tensión...achéganse as catro e media da tarde.02/03/10 at 07:11ksdfjk: The Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs is already...
O Burro122 vistasAo principio ninguén sabía moi ben que facía alí aquel pobre animaliño.02/03/10 at 07:11ksdfjk: Money - A weekly update on the latest personal fin...
O Burro153 vistasPrimeira hora da mañán. Un burro chega ao noso colexio disposto a que algunha aula o acolla...veremos se ten sorte.02/03/10 at 07:11ksdfjk: The state government, which had enacted a dusk-to-...
O Burro178 vistasAo final ao final
o noso burro encontrou
un lugar ideal
no despacho do director.

Cousas do Entroido!!!
02/03/10 at 07:11ksdfjk: American president will heed them. If he does, and...
O Burro144 vistasDespois xa ninguén o quería...
Ninguén quere levar a vergonza de ser o burro ao final.
02/03/10 at 07:11ksdfjk: earnings report that sent its shares up 3.7 percen...
O Burro139 vistasAxiña!!!
queda pouco.
02/03/10 at 07:11ksdfjk: country's largest-ever bankruptcy petition by ...
105 vistas02/03/10 at 07:11ksdfjk: primetime television after 'retiring' from...
2467 ficheiros en 206 páxina(s) 6