Dissemination event: April 27, 2018 - hosted by CAFI, Santiago de Compostela, A Coruña, Spain

Cafi has hosted the closure event of the project MCCPD in Santiago de Compostela, April 27th.

The venue was the beautiful Cidade da Cultura and about 150 persons joined us to learn from the speakers arrived from all over Europe.

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The conference focused on the Teacher Competences needed for Excellence and the way to achieve them from inicial to in-service teacher training. It also showed good practices based on jobshadowing experiences that had taken place in the context of a project led by two partners of the consortium (CAFI and Junta de Castilla y León), where the participants had the chance to use the tools designed for MCCPD.

We had the pleasure to open this conference with the presence of Andrés Contreras Serrano, Education Counselor of the Permanent Representation of Spain to the European Union. We had the opportunity to enjoy the opinions of the Deans of three Spanish faculties of Education (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Universidade da Coruña and Universidad de Murcia), as well as the insights of responsible persons on in-service teacher training from Galicia and Castilla y León.


During the afternoon we focused on the teaching competencies from the perspective of the school life. We first introduced thoroughly all the intellectual outputs developed within this project and went then from them to the different school experiences: the project Observa-Acción, the insights on teacher peer-assessment of the Senior Education Officer from Education Scotland, Louise Glen and the experiences of two innovative school headmasters, José María Ruiz Palomo and Paulo Nogueira.

Here you can see the full project of the conference:

xornada_competencias_english.pdf679.83 KB