Promoting the rights of learners

- From GTC Scotland -

  • Promoting Social Justice  

Embracing locally and globally the educational and social values of sustainability, equality and justice and recognising the rights and responsibilities of future as well as current generations  

Committing to the principles of democracy and social justice through fair, transparent, inclusive and sustainable policies and practices in relation to: age, gender and gender identity, race, ethnicity, religion and belief and sexual orientation  

Valuing as well as respecting social, cultural and ecological diversity and promoting the principles and practices of local and global citizenship for all learners  

Demonstrating a commitment to engaging learners in real world issues to enhance learning experiences and outcomes and to encourage learning out way to a better future  

Respecting the rights of all learners as outlined in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) and their entitlement to be included in decisions regarding their learning experiences and have all aspects of their well-being developed and supported  


  • Integrity  

Demonstrating openness, honesty, courage and wisdom  

 Critically examining personal and professional attitudes and beliefs and challenging assumptions and professional practice  

Critically examining personal and professional attitudes and beliefs, values and practices to effect improvements and, when appropriate, being out transformative change in practice  

  • Trust and Respect  

Acting and behaving in ways that develop a culture of trust and respect through, for example, being trusting and respectful of others within the school, and with all those involved in influencing the lives of learners in and beyond the learning community  

Providing and ensuring a safe and secure environment for all learners within a caring and compassionate ethos and with an understanding or wellbeing  

Demonstrating a commitment to motivating and inspiring learners, acknowledging their social and economic context, individually and specific learning needs and taking into consideration barriers to learning  

  • Professional Commitment  

Engaging with all aspects of professional practice and working collegiately with all members of our educational communities with enthusiasm, adaptability and constructive criticality  

Committing to lifelong enquiry, learning, professional development and leadership as core aspects of professionalism and collaborative practice  

You can find more information on teachers’ responsibilities here!