Learning for a better future

From PH Wien - This video gives an inside look into a lesson in the framework of a training course for international students on Transnational Aspects of Teaching and Global Citizenship Education at the University College of Teacher Education in Vienna in 2017. 

The teacher introduces a lesson plan permitting the  investigation of potentially positive aspects of diversity in the classroom, and  the organisation of an exchange of the different experiences and knowledge that students from different countries can bring with them and share.

- From the South of Galicia we present this project - Hospital Classrooms - cooperative project between pupils from a primary school in the south of Galicia that coach and mentor pupils of hospital classrooms with the help of augmented reality and CTfLs. Here you can read the Galician version of the project, translated into English below.


For the last three years the CEIP of Viñagrande Deiro has been immersed in a process of continuous transformation. A few years of promoting dynamism brought a very exciting third year with the implementation of certain strategies that shape a new educational project in which we meet all the individual needs: emotional, academic, physical, personal, social ... etc .

As described in our SP, schools must be in a state of continuous evolution, transformation and adaptation to the society they form part of. We are part of this adaptation and after having configured the new educational spaces (the last of them the INFORMADEIRO, the project this course has participated in), it is time to continue adapting in the centre to what is happening in society around us.

A society that demands, amongst other things, attention to emotional development, the configuration of new teaching-learning agents within the school, ecology, universal values, research procedures, the possibility for students to participate in the management and organization of the centres, and of course, new technological tools.

In the CEIP of Viñagrande Deiro we want to be standard-bearer with regard to the school responding to all these demands.


The students of 3rd and 4th, together, and 5th and 6th (also together) develop their learning according to the following pedagogical, organizational and didactic concept: Learning contexts. At least one teacher is working in each context. The 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th classrooms transform into the following learning contexts:

  • LABORATORY: Scientific Projects in which all the key competences are developed in an integral and natural way, and in which they work establishing relationships between the contents of scientific competence and those of other competences (linguistic, technological, logical and mathematical, social, etc.).
  • NUMERACY: Mathematical projects in which it is very important to bring mathematical concepts to life and to the possibility of experiencing them in practical and manipulative ways. In this context there are different areas that, globally, will allow us to understand the usefulness of mathematics in real life.
  • LITERACY: Literary or Linguistic Projects in which a variety of disciplines and disciplines will be developed in a multidisciplinary and cross-cutting manner: sciences, values, languages, special commemorations, cross-cutting themes, etc. In this context special treatment will be given to both oral language and written language through the establishment of spaces that will allow working with different types of texts and activities.
  • HUMANITIES: From a current perspective and always paying attention to the social and cultural reality where students live and grow up, this context will be vital to understanding what surrounds us. They will be projects where what happens or has happened to our circle will be dealt with. Only in this way can we understand what happens or has happened in wider and unknown contexts.
  • INFORMATION: All the activities have a purpose in themselves, sometimes it is enjoying doing them, and other times in the connection they have towards the outside world through the media: radio, press, television, social networks, etc. While giving meaning and functionality to the activities, the media makes interest and motivation grow. The type of output that the activities have will determine the planning, the responsibility of the students and the use of resources.



The project we want to develop aims to share didactic experiences in which we have the opportunity to exchange and collaborate with students who are in hospital or a home care regime.

Knowing the reality of the situation in which the involved teachers and students live, we have the duty to respond to the needs they manifest so that, as far as possible, they can be educated in the same conditions than students being educated in face to face lessons:

  • Physical contact with the centre’s students.
  • Social relationship with other children of the same age.
  • Equality of conditions for access to curricular contents.
  • Need for a much more connected teaching with new methodological proposals focused on the creation (creativity + action) of content by the students.
  • Generate motivation, enthusiasm and desire to learn and to share experiences with others.
  • Feel that your contributions will have an impact on the teaching and learning process of our students.
  • Develop coordinated educational projects between the hospital care teacher and the teachers of our centre.

The students participating in this project will be the ones to improve, through the use of technological tools, the understanding of school content. They will have to plan, design, and create attractive didactic products, posing challenges and all this with an extra motivation that it offers new opportunities to the students, where the teacher stops being the source of learning and the students are the ones who create very relevant contents which will enrich both sides. This work involves the creation of working groups and something that is very important for us, the search for feedback between the student who is hospitalized or under home care, and the students of our school.

Starting from this premise and focusing on the improvement of learning with the contributions of different contexts, and with service-based learning, this project can be extrapolated to other situations in society, and to other educational centres.


In the Linguistic Context the students of our centre will prepare content in Virtual Reality so that the hospitalized students can access this content through VR glasses. The contents that we could prepare would be: virtualized stories, virtual routes, life and work of a local author, history, gastronomy, ways of life, environmental museums... etc.

We would also ask the hospitalized student to provide us with all the information we needed to virtualize some reality that they would like us to interpret: their neighborhood, their house, their family ... etc.

  • 3D PRINT

In the Scientific Context the students of the Viñagrande Deiro CEIP will work on designing and printing material that can be manipulated, and  allows hospitalized students to better understand certain contents related to simple machines, living beings, the human body, architectural elements, art, history ... etc.

The objective is to send this material to the hospitalized students accompanied by work plans devised by the students and teaching staff that the student should return to us through a variety of electronic media.


In the Humanities Context the students of the Viñagrande Deiro CEIP will create "augmented" images (through CT ‘bits’) so that hospitalized children can understand better, and access content in different ways (comics, videos, texts, audios, virtual characters, etc.). Through sending them these works the hospitalized students will be able to create more in-depth images of their life, family, pet, dreams ... etc.


In the Mathematical Context of our centre the students would learn how to programme the ROBOBO to help hospitalized children to understand, review or internalize mathematical contents such as: natural numbers, angles, geometric figures, types of lines, perimeters, Cartesian planes, measurements, etc.

A Robobo will be provided so that the hospitalized students can work on the same contents that the students of the centre have worked on.


Our intent is to integrate state-of-the-art technology so that students can create products that ensure the learning of curricular content for hospitalized students, those in home care and the students of CEIP Viñagrande.

In the same way, we intend that the hospitalized and home care students create products that will allow us to better understand other types of school content.