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Emily invited us to celebrate "Thanksgiving", a very important day in USA.  She told us that the origin of this celebration was in Plymouth, Massachutses, in 1621, when the New England colonists"the Pilgrims"celebrated with the Native Americans"the Indians", their first harvest in the New World.

Nowadays, every fourth Thursday in November, all the families in USA have a great dinner together after giving thanks for the different things they have got; health, family, home, friends,.....and there´s always a main course on their tables, can you guess?......Yes, of course.....a TURKEY!!!


After that, she asked the students to draw  their own hands and  express their gratitude in each finger. In the end, most of them decided to be grateful for: family, school, house, friends, pets....and even for their teachers....Surprising, isn´t it?  You can see their work clicking on the photos.!

page | by Dr. Radut