
Cucú,cucú, cucucú!

- Title: Cucú, cucú, cucucú!cucu

- Composer:
Juan del Enzina

- Genre: Secular, Villancico

- Style:

- Number of voices:
- Voicing: Soprano-Alto-Tenor-Bass

- Language: Spanish

- Instruments
: a cappella

- Technique
: Polyphony, homophonic texture

- Description
: This 4-part villancico is part of the Cancionero de Palacio. In the 15th century
Spanish villancico was a type of popular song sung in Spanish and frequently associated with rustic themes. The poetic form of the Spanish villancico was that of an estribillo (or refrain) and coplas (stanzas), with or without an introduction.
With the decline in popularity of the villancicos in the 20th century, the term became reduced to mean "Christmas carol".

The song opens by imitating the call of the cuckoo (Cuckoos were a symbol of adultery, as cuckoo lay their eggs in other birds' nests).

The rhythm keep the verses monotonous, but in contrast, the refrain is delicate, imitating the cuckoo.
