The Sfate Project
SFATE - SMART FARM TRAINING FOR EMPLOYMENTErasmus + KA2 – Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training – Development of Innovation Priorities: Open and innovative education, training and youth work, embedded in the digital era Promoting work-based learning in all its forms, with special attention to apprenticeship-type training Duration: 24 months: from 31/12/2016 to 30/12/2018 PARTNERSCONTEXTUnder the Europe 2020 Strategy, Growth and employment in rural areas, food security and climate change are the challenges facing the response of the new agricultural reform in the EU. An adequate response to these challenges represents a third revolution in the sector, which is already in progress in agriculture and requires the appropriate means. In Indeed, these are digital media, robotics, that affect remote management and improve surveillance and early warning, also represent an employment opportunity for qualified young people in these subjects. Smart Farming was accepted as a method to improve livelihoods and sustainability, but there is a need for a change in practice and in mindset among farmers to bring this about; requires bringing together advisory services; stimulates Networking and Cooperation. New technologies can be transformative, but there is a need to make these more widely known, including practical examples of their use and application. SFATE partners have decided to work together approximating innovation to rural actors, and especially the youngest who are more familiar with digital and technologies tools. OBJECTIVES
TARGET GROUPTeachers, trainers, advisers, entrepreneurship advisors, students, farmers, and young people in general but also those who are not from agricultural areas. ACTIVITIESThe core of the project consists of 8 activities addressed to get the foreseen results: A1. INVENTORY OF EXISTING PRACTICES. Identify existing practices of smart farming, collecting all the information concerned A2. EXCHANGE OF EXPERIENCES IDENTIFIED. Analysis of technologies, processes, human resources A3. ADAPTATION OF CONTENTS to be presented in a virtual source called "Smart Farming Portal" A4. Study "New Jobs and Farm Innovation". Analyze the existing practices on smart farm focused on an employment perspective A5. DESIGN THE SMART FARMING PORTAL A6. TESTING the functioning of the SFATE PORTAL A7. ANALYSIS OF TESTING RESULTS AND FEED-BACK A8. TRAINING for users RESULTSOuput 11. Smart Farming Portal 2. Study Report on new jobs and farm innovation IMPACTS