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CURSO 2023-2024


  • María Dolores Martínez Rodríguez (Xefa de departamento)
  • Felisa Soto Rego
  • María Elena Grela Rumbo
  • Alejandro Gómez Fernández

 Programacións didácticas






You must take a scary picture ( it is not allowed to download files from the Internet) , it can be a place, a situation , a person , a monster... whatever!!!

You can use any tools to make the picture more scary ( photoshop.....)

There will be different categories: 

1. The most terrorific one

2. The most original one

3. The funniest


You must include a caption in English.

When you upload the photo ( pdf ) make sure you write your class and name as a tittle. Ex:



Last day 29 October!!!!

Teatro en inglés

O pasado xoves 18 de xaneiro, alumnado de 1º, 2º e 3º da ESO asisitiu a unha obra de teatro en inglés, "I Spy, I Spy", celebrada no auditorio de Afundación. Foi unha experiencia divertida e inesquecible para todxs. Esperamos poder repetila no futuro. 
Grazas pola vosa colaboración e bo comportamento.

Entrega dos diplomas do "Scary Picture Contest" 2022

Neste Samaín 2022, o departamento de Inglés organizou un concurso de fotos arrepiantes, o Scary Picture Contest. Velaquí están as persoas premiadas. Parabéns!


EduExchanges 2021/2022

Para visualizar o vídeo final preme no seguinte enlace EduExchanges 2021/2022

Scary Pictures Contest 2021

You must take a scary picture (it is not allowed to download files from the Internet), it can be a place, a situation, a person, a monster... whatever!!!

You can use any tools to make the picture more scary ( photoshop.....)

There will be different categories: 

1. The most terrorific one

2. The most original one

3. The funniest

You must include a caption in English.

Last day 03 November!

Distribuir contido

by Dr. Radut