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Actividades curso 2010-2011

1º Mostra viva de instrumentos musicais


O luns 22 de Novembro, coincidindo coa festividade de Santa Cecilia, patrona dos músicos, o departamento de música organizou por vez primeira unha MOSTRA VIVA de instrumentos musicais, nesta actividade  houbo expostos 55 instrumentos diferentes dispostos en tres espazos : Música Pop no salón de actos , instrumentos clásicos na entrada principal do instituto e instrumentos tradicionais-étnicos no aula de música.vinte alumnos colaboraron como instrumentistas "en vivo" paralelamente ás visitas dos distintos grupos.Os alumnos tiñan así a posibilidade non só de ver de preto os instrumentos, senón de preguntar cantas cousas quixeran aos instrumentistas ou incluso solicitar unha pequena clase de iniciación, ó tempo que comprobaban como os seus propios compañeiros eran verdadeiros artistas e promesas da interpretación musical, parabéns a todos os colaboradores nunha experiencia que podemos repetir e mellorar nunha próxima edición.


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"CLEVER PANTS" AT SCHOOL : JANUARY 26th (Eso students) AND 27th (Bac students)
Once more CLEVER PANTS - the theatre company performing plays in English at schools - have been with us and have shown again their ability and excellent work to make all of us -both teachers and students - have a very very good time. Their clever performance, their witty dialogues , their funny gestures and their excellent work on the stage helped the students enjoy both plays - one for the ESO students: SCHOOL IS OUTand another for Bac students: CLEVER CLASSICS - thoroughly, they were really attentive and couldn´t keep their eyes off the two actors and the actress at any time ; we , the teachers ourselves , couldn´t believe how attentive and interested they were in seeing them perform such funny plays, they loved hearing them in English and nearly anyone had trouble in understanding them, whatever they missed was clearly understood with their gestures.
The students took part in the plays whenever they were asked, they hoped onto the stage and had fun with the actors themselves, making the audience have a great time. So again, CLEVER PANTS had a big big success among our students, so on behalf of the students and the teachers who were with them, congratulations and thank you very much for your execellent work. Here are a few samples of different moments of their performance.

Concurso de portadas da revista: gañadores

No concurso para a portada da revista o Trasno organizado polo Departamento de Debuxo, resultaron gañadores:

1º premio:  Luís Toledo (1º BAC)
2º premio: Juan Arca (3º ESO A)
3º premio
Daniel Costas (3º ESO A)

Parabéns aos gañadores e grazas aos moitos participantes. Ata o ano que vén! 

Preme nas imaxes para velas máis grandes.

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by Dr. Radut