A nosa lectora en inglés máis fiel.

Co motivo da semana do libro dende a biblioteca queremos premiar aos nosos lectores máis fieis cun agasallo. A alumna de inglés, Mar Díaz foi a usuaria premiada este curso e aproveitamos a ocasión para coñecer as súas impresións sobre a biblioteca.

1.- What do you think about the school library? Tell us what you like most and what you would improve.

I think the school library is a very quiet place to study and read books, and the school staff has made a special effort to make it a cosy place. What I like most about the school library is the great amount of books that are on the shelves. What I would improve, however, is the fact that whenever a writer is successful, the school should acquire more books written by him/her.

2.- What kind of resources do you borrow from the library?

I usually borrow films and books. 

3.- Among the things  you have borrowed this school year, which ones would you recommend to your classmates?

I would recommend Game of Thrones and Tim Burton’s books, as well as another book which is very easy to read: The House by the Sea.