Arts and Crafts (Sección Bilingüe)

Primary and secondary colors - Cores primarias e secundarias

The importance of analyse the colours has been a nice experience for all the students. They love finger painting!!

A importancia de analizar as cores foi unha experiencia agradable para todos os alumnos e alumnas. Encántalles a pintura de dedos!! Preme na imaxe.

Autumn passes by this way / Así trascorreu o outono

Once we get to class to start a new school year, we tried to meet each other. The best way was to introduce and to describe ourselves. Can you find your children's pieces of art?


Unha vez que chegamos para comezar un novo curso escolar, intentamos coñecernos. A mellor forma foi presentarnos e describirnos a nós mesmos. Podedes atopar as obras de arte dos vosos fillos e fillas? Preme na imaxe para velas.

Spring 2023

Spring 2023
(Primavera 2023)

The last postcards exchange the children in the 5th and 6th grades did was for Easter. Here are some of the ones they made and check out how cool are the ones we received from the Lithuanian kids!
(O último intercambio de postais que fixeron as nenas e nenos de 5º e 6º curso foi pola Pascua. Aquí estan algunhas das que fixeron e mirade que chulas son as que recibimos das nenas e nenos lituanos!)

At the doorstep of spring, the kids of Primary Education learnt with Thea the tradicional Philipino dance, Tinikling. It was so much fun!
(Ás portas da primavera, as nenas e os nenos de Educación Primaria aprenderon con Thea a danza tradicional filipina, Tinikling. Foi moi divertido!)

Also, we celebrated Saint Patrick's Day, of course.
(Ademáis, celebramos o Día de San Patricio, por suposto.)

And we experienced how to be a digital artist too!
(E tamén experimentamos como ser un artista dixital!)

In may, we said bye-bye to Thea until next year and we made her self-portraits for her to keep and remember us all <3
(En maio, dixémoslle adeus a Thea ata o ano que ven e fixemos autorretratos para que os garde e se acorde de todos nós <3)

In june, the girls in the 1st and 2nd grade, with the help of the teacher, made this cool video with the song they learnt about the farm animals.
(En xuño, as nenas de 1º e 2º curso, coa axuda da profe, fixeron este vídeo tan chulo coa canción que aprenderon sobre os animais de granxa.)


Lastly, here's the video-documentary we made for the EduExchanges program.
(Por último, aquí está o vídeo-documental que fixemos para o programa do EduExchanges.)


And that's all for this year! Thank you for these months, I hope you had a good time and learnt a lot, and I hope next year will be even better! Have a good summer!!
(E iso é todo por este ano! Gracias por estes meses, espero que pasarades un bo rato e que aprenderades moito, e espero que o próximo ano sexa aínda mellor! Que teñades un bo verán!!)

Winter 2022-2023

Winter 2022-2023
(Inverno 2022-2023)

Look at these Christmas postcards the kids in the 5th and 6th grades made to send to our friends in Lithuania!
(Mirade estas postais de Nadal que fixeron as nenas e os nenos de 5º e 6º curso para mandarlles aos nosos amigos en Lituania!)

Also for Christmas, the girls in the 1st and 2nd grades made some very glittery bells with the help of Thea and then we hung them on the Christmas tree!
(Tamén polo Nadal, as nenas de 1º e 2º curso fixeron unhas campás con moito brilli-brilli coa axuda de Thea e despois colgámolas da árbore de Nadal!)

Thea also taught the boys and girls of 3rd and 4th grade to make faroles, a typical Christmas decoration in the Philipines!
(Thea tamén lles ensinou aos nenos e nenas de 3º e 4º curso a facer faroles, un adorno de Nadal típico de Filipinas!)

Since it's winter, the girls and boys from 1st to 4th grade decorated one of the school's corkboards with their own snowmen. Aren't they cute?
(Como é inverno, as nenas e nenos de 1º a 4º curso decoraron un dos corchos do colexio cos seus propios bonecos de neve. A que son lindos?)

In january, to celebrate the Peace Day, we prepared a big mural in which children from all grades participated. The result was so cool!
(En xaneiro, para celebrar o Día da Paz, preparamos un gran mural no que participaron nenas e nenos de tódolos cursos. O resultado quedou moi guai!)

Also, the kids in the 5th and 6th grades made these lovely Saint Valentine's Day postcards to send to our Lithuanian friends <3
(Tamén, as nenas e nenos de 5º e 6º curso fixeron estas postais adorables polo día de San Valentín para mandarllas aos nosos amigos lituanos <3)

That's all for the winter season. Stay tuned to see what we made in spring!
(Iso é todo pola estación do inverno. Estade atentos para ver o que fixemos na primavera!)

Autumn 2022

Autumn 2022
(Outono 2022)

Check out these cool bats we made to decorate the school's main corridor for Halloween!
(Mirade que morcegos tan chulos fixemos para decorar o pasillo principal da escola para Samaín!)



And with the help of Thea, we learnt about the parts of a house and we drew Our Dream House.
(E coa axuda de Thea, aprendimos as partes dunha casa e debuxamos A Nosa Casa de Ensoño.)


We also learnt the name of the shapes and we had a fun time cutting them in coloured papers!
(Tamén aprendimos os nomes das formas e divertímonos cortándoas en papeis de cores!)


Besides, we enjoyed tasting and colouring fruits in the Fruit Week…
(Ademais, disfrutamos dos sabores das froitas e as coloreamos na Semana da Froita…)


…and we decorated these cool chestnut boxes for the Magosto!
(…e decoramos estas caixas tan chulas para as castañas do Magosto!)


Stay tuned to see what we'll learn and what thingies we'll make in the upcoming Winter!
(Estade alerta para ver que aprenderemos e que cousiñas faremos no inverno!)

ARTS March-April-May-June 2022


We would like to show you some activities we have recently done:


Calros Solla told us about local legends and these are some of their characters:

Calros Solla falounos sobre as lendas locais es estes son algúns dos seus personaxes:










 Debuxo libre:



Coloring Minnie and Mickey:








Would you like an ice cream? (Apetéceche un xeado?)










Do you like our fish? 1st and 2nd Primary














Leonardo da Vinci, La Gioconda

Vincent Van Gogh, Starry Night









Making fruit and vegetables for our grocer's





 Making plants with reused coffee capsules:











Hi again! We would like to show you some decorations we have made to celebrate Saint Valentine's Day. Some drawings have been coloured by the whole class.

Ola de novo! Gustaríanos mostrarvos algunhas decoracións que fixemos para celebrar o Día de San Valentín. Algúns debuxos coloreámolos entre toda a clase.




TEA ROOM February 2022

Hi! We would like to invite you to our Tea Room. All the students from 1st to 6th of Primary have participated in this activity. We hope you enjoy it :)

Ola! Gustaríanos invitarvos ao noso salón de té. Todos os alumnos dende primeiro ata sexto de Primaria participaron nesta actividade. Esperamos que o disfrutedes.








Christmas is here and we have decorated our school. We coloured and cut out Christmas bubbles for our school corridor. Infants coloured and decorated gingerbread men, bubbles and Christmas trees. We also made different ornaments for the windows as well as colourful Christmas trees with plasticine.

Finally, we made snowmen and reindeers with reused toilet paper rolls. To make the reindeers' antlers we used the oak leaves we picked up in our playground.

O Nadal está aquí e decoramos o noso cole. Coloreamos e recortamos bolas navideñas para o corredor da nosa escola. Os nenos e nenas de Infantil pintaron e decoraron galletas de xenxibre, bolas e árbores de Nadal. Tamén fixemos distitintos adornos para as ventás e árbores de plastilina cheos de cores.

Finalmente fixemos bonecos de neve e renos con tubos de papel hixiénicos reutilizados. Para facer a cornamenta dos renos usamos follas de carballo que collimos no noso patio.









Christmas cards 5th-6th Primary

We made and wrote Christmas cards to our friends in Lithuania. We did our best! They are nice, aren't they?

Fixemos e escribimos postais de Nadal para os nosos amigos de Lituania. Fixémolo o mellor que poidemos! Son bonitas a que si?








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