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Mañán comeza no noso centro Amy, de Reino Unido, a nosa auxiliar de conversa para este curso 2017 - 2018. A función da auxiliar de conversa é axudar aos nenos e nenas a mellorar a competencia lingüística, especialmente a comprensión e expresión oral, amosarnos a cultura e costumes do seu país e aprender as nosas.

    O equipo directivo, todo o profesorado e alumnado dámosche a nosa benvida e desexámosche unha grata estancia no CEIP Porto Cabeiro.


 Tomorrow begins at our school the conversation assistant named Amy, from the United Kingdom. She will be with us during the course 2017 - 2018. Her function is to help our children in their linguistic competence,especially the oral and comprehensive expression as well as teach us her culture and the traditions of her country. Moreover she will learn our traditions and culture.

The school´s leadership team, all the teachers and students, would like welcome you and we wish you a great time at the "CEIP Porto Cabeiro".





page | by Dr. Radut