Este mes de xuño está dedicado ao proxecto Escola Segura. As titoras de 3º e 4º de EP e o titor de 5º de EP estiveron facendo actividades relacionadas coa seguridade da rapazada, que despois se compartiron co resto do Centro.

No primeiro trimestre estivéronse a traballar enfermidades que padecen algúns rapaces ou rapazas do noso centro. 3º EP investigou sobre como actuar ante unha crise asmática, os de 4º EP informáronse sobre a diabetes e 5º EP coñeceu máis a fondo distintas alerxias alimentarias. Fixéronse paneis e posters que se mostraron nos corredores de EP.

No segundo trimestre coa colaboración do Concello de Narón traballouse a Educación Vial

Finalmente no terceiro trimestre traballouse como actuar en caso de accidentes na escola (atragoamento, feridas, hipoglucemia, crise de asma e golpes) seguindo a máxima de PAS (protexer, alertar e socorrer)

A finais de maio tivemos un simulacro de incendio cos bombeiros de Narón.


June is dedicated to the project safe school. Tutors in Year 3, Year 4 and Year 5 were doing different activities related to this topic that were shared later with the rest of the students of our school.

In the first term we were dealing with some common diseases such as asthma, diabetes, and food alergies. They elaborated posters to show at the corridors of the Primary building.

In the second term with the collaboration of Narón Council the whole school was doing activities about Road Safety Education. Finally, in the third term we were investigating about how to act in case of a school accident: choking, wounds, hypoglycemic, asthma and hits following the maxim: Protect, Warn and Rescue.

At the end of May we had a Fire Drill with firefighters from Narón.