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" Jingle Bells"

"Jingle bells, jingle bells"


Jingle bell, jingle bells,

Jingle all the way.

Oh what fun it is to ride

in a one-horse open sleigh.´


Dashing thro´the snow,

in a one-horse open sleigh,

O´er the fields we go,

laughing all the way.

Bells on bob- tail ring,

Making spirits bright,

What fun it is to ride and sing

A sleighing song tonight. Oh.

( Repeat first verse )



"Hot Cross Buns"

"Hot Cross Buns"


Hot cross buns,

Hot cross buns,

One a penny,

Two a penny,

Hot cross buns. 


If you have no daughters,

Give them to your sons,

One a penny,

Two a penny,

Hot cross buns.

"Sammy Thumb"

"Sammy Thumb"


1. Sammy Thumb, Sammy Thumb.

Where are you?

Here I am, here I am.

How do you do?

2. Peter Pointer, Pete Pointer...

3. Bobby Big, Bobby Big...

4. Ruby Ring, Ruby Ring...

5. Tiny Tim, Tiny Tim...

London´s Burning

Mostra de  cancións que os nenos e nenas do noso colexio aprenden e cantan na aula de inglés.

London´s Burning


London´s burning, London´s burning.

Fetch the engines, fetch the engines.

Fire, fire, fire, fire.

Pour on water, pour on water.


Are you sleeping, are you sleeping , brother James, brother James?

Morning bells are ringing, morning bells are ringing.

Ding, dang, dong.

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by Dr. Radut