Seccións Bilingües

Presentación de Sophia

Hello! I’m Sophia. I come from the Philippines and this is my first year as a Language Assistant in Spain. Here’s a little bit of information about me. I like adventures and traveling but my favorite places to visit are those with unique architecture or breathtaking sceneries. I love to play volleyball and other sports although I may be good at it HAHA.

What I value most in the world are memories, experiences, and people which is why I decided to move here. This is the first time I’ve been outside of my country so you can only imagine how excited and nervous I am. Ourense has been absolutely surreal. Sometimes, I still feel like I’m in a dream and my journey here has just started. That said, I know that the people I meet, the experiences make, and the lessons I learn are ones that I’ll keep forever.

In the words of J.R.R. Tolkein, “the greatest adventure is what lies ahead” and I’m overjoyed to have my next great adventure here.


During the month of October, we worked in the Arts Classroom with the Russian painter Kandinsky.

He was considered the first western abstract painter. He was the first painter to stop painting pictures of things and instead paint just using colours and shapes. He believed that this let him paint honestly about his feelings.

This is the reason why first of all we experimented with mixing colours together and we tried to create a colour wheel by mixing primary and secondary colours.

Then, the 5th and 6th grade students began to create their own Kandinsky’s.

Here there are some of their creations inspired by “Concentric Circles” and “Red Spot” Kandinsky’s paintings.

They did a really good job!








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